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Transfer Degrees
Transfer Degrees
职业生涯 in Two Years
职业生涯 in Two Years
职业生涯 in Less Than a Year
职业生涯 in Less Than a Year
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在线学位 & 课程
Save Up To $10-22K In 学费 成本s When You #在何处.
只要167美元.40 per credit hour, you'll #SaveBIG when you start at Virginia Highlands. If your goal is a bachelor's degree, you can knock out the first two years at VHCC in an environment of incredible support and then sail right into your 4-year school of choice!
7 things that might tg反波胆足球平台
The benefits of a community college are often the best kept secrets, ever! Did you know that the SAT is not required? Or, maybe you didn’t realize that 80% of our students attend tuition free thanks to financial aid.
满足 艾拉
Virginia Highlands is committed to welcoming and engaging with students, which is why I chose to further my education here! Since this is my second and final year at VHCC, I can certainly say that my time here was well spent! A special thank you to the outstanding professors and staff for helping me obtain my Clerical Studies Degree!
Clerical Studies (Sophomore Year)